Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Choujhou Elementary

I looked down at my hands - gritty from all the chalk - and back up at my little students. I wrinkled my nose as I tried to brush my hands off. "Teacher, this way!" they exclaimed, and pulled me down the hallway to the outdoor sinks. They watch me wash my hands, and whisper among themselves about me. I turn around and they all point at my eyes "Teacher! Blue!" I point at their eyes and say "Students! Brown! Brown! Brown!" When I show them pictures of my family, they all gasp at how many brothers I have... "Five brothers!" they repeat again and again... "WOW!!!!!" they say when they finally understand what I just said.

My tiny fourth graders all ran up to me during the break today, and each was carrying the sheet that their teacher had them prepare with questions (in English) to ask 'the foreign teacher'. We all start laughing as I try to think of the foods that I like that I can also say in Chinese. The question list is forgotten as the whole classroom latches onto me and tears down the three flights of stairs into the courtyard to the play structure. They make sure that I cross the rickety bridge and go down the slide with them before we have to run back in when the bell rings. Two of my little girls hold my hands as we all rush back to our classroom. When I finally have to leave, everyone crowds in for a picture and we put up our 'happy fingers'.

Here we are!...


Tyson said...

I could see the look on your face in mind as I read your first sentence. You are such a girl! LOL.

Unknown said...

Whatever Tyson...would you have the guts to eat pigs blood and squid? Huh?
Your statement maybe true that Hannah is a girl But she is no girly girl!

Living Faith said...

Lol, you're so right, Sarah...I am quite the outdoorswoman... :D

Unknown said...

We appreciate that.

April said...

Oh, Hannah - look how much they love you! I'm praying that the Lord will give you openings to tell them about your love for Him!