Monday, September 15, 2008

The Great Deluge

Today was a very soggy day... on Friday, we pulled in all the fruit from our market classroom as the typhoon threatened to blow it off the balcony... that was a good idea, but we should have brought the whole classroom inside...this morning, our feet got a surprise as we stepped out into a good two inches of water... our trees had blown over, and all of the barkdust was floating around the open air we surveyed the rest of the catastrophe, we discovered that our brand new clock for the market was no more, and our vegetable stand display sign teetered from one hook... it was quite a scene, but we had fun mopping all the water down the outside back stairs (and throwing buckets of it over the balcony into the rice fields), and putting our little classroom back in order...

The typhoon has been going on for several days now, and every day the wind will pick up and rain will start around dinner-time as the sky turns a dark purple-y usually storms through the night. God truly has blessed me with all this rain...we've gone out in it almost every evening... it makes everything feel so much like home in Oregon.


Unknown said...

Oregon misses you to.:(

Unknown said...

Translation for Sarah: I miss you. :(

James :)

Taylor Dutton said...

thats sad that the typhoon recked everything, but at least it reminded you a little bit of Oregon :)



Unknown said...

Of course i miss her you didn't have to translate it...because we have sister talepathy :P

April said...

Oh Hannah, I hope that you're not too homesick :(

Living Faith said...

It was pretty awesome, guys, and it was a good homesick made me feel like home had come to me :)